Ginny Nilsen, CS

Christian Science Practitioner

About Christian Science

Christian Science is based on the life of Jesus, his deeply practical understanding of God, and the wonderful works of healing that proved the truth he spoke... the same healing work he called upon those who followed him to do.

God's infinite goodness, realized in prayer, heals just as it did in Jesus' time and proves the truth of Jesus' statements that:

  • the kingdom of God is within you
  • that now, not later, is the 'accepted time' for this to be manifested in your life
  • that you are the loved child of your all-good Parent

The inspiration and insights that come from focused prayer (a process of deep listening to God rather than a plea) bring 'Aha!' moments that transform our consciousness and bring tangible healing and abundance to our everyday lives in the most practical way. Better yet, this light of inspiration tends to flood our whole lives, bringing light and healing to areas of our lives beside just the ones we've been praying about.

For more online information about Christian Science, you can visit my page of helpful links. Or I'd be glad to talk with you and help you learn more about your relationship to God and how this understanding can bring healing, joy, purpose and abundance to your life.

Contact Ginny

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